Serving Those Who Served
The California Association of County Veterans Service Officers (CACVSO) is an organization of professional veterans advocates. In California, The County Veterans Service Officer plays a critical role in the veteran’s advocacy system and is often the initial contact in the community for veterans services. Through the County Veterans Service Officer, the CACVSO is committed to California Counties to provide a vital and efficient system of services and advocacy to veterans, their dependents and survivors.
Veteran Services
A County Veteran Services Officer (CVSO) plays a crucial role in supporting Military Veterans and their families by helping them access essential benefits and services, such as healthcare, education, and disability compensation. Acting as liaisons between Veterans and government agencies, CVSOs ensure Veterans receive the benefits they are entitled to, addressing any issues or barriers in the process. Their work is vital in navigating the complex bureaucratic systems, providing personalized assistance and significantly improving the quality of life for Veterans and their families.

CACVSO Sponsorship Inquiry
Sponsorship for the California Association of County Veterans Service Officers (CACVSO) benefits both sponsors and the veteran community. It enhances resources and training for Veterans Service Officers, ensuring veterans receive timely and comprehensive access to benefits. For sponsors, it boosts corporate social responsibility, demonstrates a commitment to veteran welfare, and provides visibility within a network dedicated to veteran advocacy. This collaboration improves veterans’ lives and highlights the sponsor’s role in supporting this important mission.